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Nic - 151 * Grace shared her photos from the daytime scouting of La Flor wildlife refuge where thousands of Olive Ridley turtles came onshore to lay their eggs above the high tide line.
Nic - 152 * Grace shared her photos from the daytime scouting of La Flor wildlife refuge where thousands of Olive Ridley turtles came onshore to lay their eggs above the high tide line.
Nic - 153 * Grace shared her photos from the daytime scouting of La Flor wildlife refuge where thousands of Olive Ridley turtles came onshore to lay their eggs above the high tide line.
Nic - 154 * Grace shared her photos from the daytime scouting of La Flor wildlife refuge where thousands of Olive Ridley turtles came onshore to lay their eggs above the high tide line.
Nic - 155 * Grace shared her photos from the daytime scouting of La Flor wildlife refuge where thousands of Olive Ridley turtles came onshore to lay their eggs above the high tide line.
  Nic - 151  
  Nic - 152  
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  Nic - 154  
  Nic - 155  
Nic - 156 * While the daytime miracle of the arribada of the Olive Ridley turtles was underway, we traveled to the Masaya market
Nic - 157 * Grace shared her photos from the daytime scouting of La Flor wildlife refuge where thousands of Olive Ridley turtles came onshore to lay their eggs above the high tide line.
Nic - 158 * Grace shared her photos from the daytime scouting of La Flor wildlife refuge where thousands of Olive Ridley turtles came onshore to lay their eggs above the high tide line.
Nic - 159 * Masaya market mural
Nic - 160 * Some of us chose to travel a couple of hours by bus to witness the arribada for ourselves at La Flor wildlife refuge. Care was taken with our use of lights as to not scare off or distract the arriving turtles.
  Nic - 156  
  Nic - 157  
  Nic - 158  
  Nic - 159  
  Nic - 160  
Nic - 161 * Some of us chose to travel a couple of hours by bus to witness the arribada for ourselves at La Flor wildlife refuge. Care was taken with our use of lights as to not scare off or distract the arriving turtles.
Nic - 162 * A egg unearthed from an earlier nest and broken - this is not an effecient process!
Nic - 163 * Some of us chose to travel a couple of hours by bus to witness the arribada for ourselves at La Flor wildlife refuge. Care was taken with our use of lights as to not scare off or distract the arriving turtles.
Nic - 164 * Some of us chose to travel a couple of hours by bus to witness the arribada for ourselves at La Flor wildlife refuge. Care was taken with our use of lights as to not scare off or distract the arriving turtles.
Nic - 165 * Some of us chose to travel a couple of hours by bus to witness the arribada for ourselves at La Flor wildlife refuge. Care was taken with our use of lights as to not scare off or distract the arriving turtles.
  Nic - 161  
  Nic - 162  
  Nic - 163  
  Nic - 164  
  Nic - 165  
Copyright © 2004 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video)

The copyright of the images presented here are owned by David R. Beebe & Patricia E. Beebe. It is illegal to reproduce them without the permission of the copyright owner. As with any image, your possession of a copy of a digitized image does not give you any rights to use it as you wish. Only the copyright owner, or the owner's legal agent, can give you permission to copy, distribute, or publicly display the image.