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Comment: Green sea turtle.

Canyons11 * The dreaded Crown of Thorns starfish is destroying south pacific reefs. The largest starfish in the world, they are protected by long spines that release a neurotoxin. * The dreaded Crown of Thorns starfish is destroying south pacific reefs. The largest starfish in the world, they are protected by long spines that release a neurotoxin.

Canyons12 * These monsters eat coral reef polyps and since showing up the in Society Islands have caused significant damage. The sections of reef we dove in Moorea were 85-90% dead and the starfish only arrived in large numbers in March, 2007. * These monsters eat coral reef polyps and since showing up the in Society Islands have caused significant damage. The sections of reef we dove in Moorea were 85-90% dead and the starfish only arrived in large numbers in March, 2007.

Canyons13 * Toxic spines keep most predators at bay. Overfishing of the Giant Triton has led to this horrible imbalance. * Toxic spines keep most predators at bay. Overfishing of the Giant Triton has led to this horrible imbalance.



Canyons17 * Lemon shark. * Lemon shark.

Canyons18 * Lemon shark. * Lemon shark.

Canyons19 * Lemon shark. * Lemon shark.


Canyons21 * Blacktip reef shark. * Blacktip reef shark.

Copyright © 2008 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

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