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Amazonas06 - 301 * This uncommon and localised species is 66-76cm in length. Agami is short-legged for a heron, but has a very long thin bill. (Wikipedia)
Amazonas06 - 302 * This is a beautiful and unmistakable bird. The neck and underparts are chestnut, with a white line down the centre of the foreneck, and the wings are green. There are wispy pale blue feathers decorating the head, sides of the foreneck and lower back. The legs, bill and bare facial patch are dull yellow. (Wikipedia)
Amazonas06 - 303 * Despite its stunning plumage, this reclusive species' preference for shade and overhanging vegetation means that it is rarely seen at its best. (Wikipedia) We saw it at its best!
Amazonas06 - 304
Amazonas06 - 305 * Scarlet Macaws.
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Amazonas06 - 306 * Tri-color Heron.
Amazonas06 - 307 * Roadside (perhaps Riverside is a better name here) Hawk.
Amazonas06 - 308 * Ringed Kingfisher.
Amazonas06 - 309 * Sunset by canoe.
Amazonas06 - 310 * Black-fronted Nunbird.
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Amazonas06 - 311 * Black-fronted Nunbird.
Amazonas06 - 312 * Caiman.
Amazonas06 - 313 *
Amazonas06 - 314 * Ringed Kingfisher.
Amazonas06 - 315 * Anhinga Anhinga.
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Copyright © 2006 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video)

The copyright of the images presented here are owned by David R. Beebe & Patricia E. Beebe. It is illegal to reproduce them without the permission of the copyright owner. As with any image, your possession of a copy of a digitized image does not give you any rights to use it as you wish. Only the copyright owner, or the owner's legal agent, can give you permission to copy, distribute, or publicly display the image.