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Comment: The dried Cassava is ready to be heated to complte the removal of cyanide.

The Casava is ground up on a bicycle power wheel with embedded saw blades.

The ground Cassava is sieved into a fine powder.

The Cassava is then dried in woven tubes that squeeze much of the cyanide-laden water from it.

The dried Cassava briefly retains the shape of the tube it was dried in.

The dried Cassava is thinly spread over a metal pan that is heated by a wood fire.

The dried Cassava is thinly spread over a metal pan that is heated by a wood fire.

Pieces of Cassava plant are stuck into the ground to take root and be a future crop.

Copyright © 2012 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

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