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Comment: Machu Picchu

06MachuPicchu-164 * Inti Punku, the Gate of the Sun, is the doorway to Machu Picchu for the hikers of the Inca Trail * Inti Punku, the Gate of the Sun, is the doorway to Machu Picchu for the hikers of the Inca Trail

06MachuPicchu-165 * Inside view of Inti Punku, the Gate of the Sun * Inside view of Inti Punku, the Gate of the Sun

06MachuPicchu-166 * Stone carved hinges for Inti Punku, the Gate of the Sun * Stone carved hinges for Inti Punku, the Gate of the Sun

06MachuPicchu-167 * Irrigation channel brings water down from a spring to all residences in Machu Picchu * Irrigation channel brings water down from a spring to all residences in Machu Picchu

06MachuPicchu-168 * Inca stonework mirrors the slopes of Wayna Picchu * Inca stonework mirrors the slopes of Wayna Picchu

06MachuPicchu-170 * Machu Picchu * Machu Picchu

06MachuPicchu-171 * Machu Picchu * Machu Picchu

06MachuPicchu-172 * Pat and our InkaNatura guide Kerry near the exit from Machu Picchu * Pat and our InkaNatura guide Kerry near the exit from Machu Picchu

06MachuPicchu-173 * Storehouses for grain at Machu Picchu * Storehouses for grain at Machu Picchu

06MachuPicchu-174 * Llama at Machu Picchu * Llama at Machu Picchu

� 2009 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

The copyright of the images presented here are owned by David R. Beebe & Patricia E. Beebe. It is illegal to reproduce them without the permission of the copyright owner. As with any image, your possession of a copy of a digitized image does not give you any rights to use it as you wish. Only the copyright owner, or the owner's legal agent, can give you permission to copy, distribute, or publicly display the image.