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Comment: Frog on the trail back to the lodge

12TapirClayLick-041 * Brazilian Tapir * Brazilian Tapir

12TapirClayLick-042 * Brazilian Tapir * Brazilian Tapir

12TapirClayLick-043 * Brazilian Tapir * Brazilian Tapir

12TapirClayLick-044 * Brazilian Tapir - having consumed all of the clay it wanted, our Tapir left by 6:30pm * Brazilian Tapir - having consumed all of the clay it wanted, our Tapir left by 6:30pm

12TapirClayLick-045 * On the hike back to our lodge, we found a beetle in the family Elateridae (click beetle) - The light organs on click beetles are on the side of the dorsal surface of the pronotum (thorax) * On the hike back to our lodge, we found a beetle in the family Elateridae (click beetle) - The light organs on click beetles are on the side of the dorsal surface of the pronotum (thorax)

12TapirClayLick-047 * Frog on the trail back to the lodge * Frog on the trail back to the lodge

12TapirClayLick-048 * Tarantula on the trail back to the lodge * Tarantula on the trail back to the lodge

12TapirClayLick-049 * Tarantula on the trail back to the lodge * Tarantula on the trail back to the lodge

12TapirClayLick-050 * Frog on the trail back to the lodge - we made it back just before the friajes (cold front) arrived with 14 hours of heavy rain and temps in the 50s * Frog on the trail back to the lodge - we made it back just before the friajes (cold front) arrived with 14 hours of heavy rain and temps in the 50s

� 2009 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

The copyright of the images presented here are owned by David R. Beebe & Patricia E. Beebe. It is illegal to reproduce them without the permission of the copyright owner. As with any image, your possession of a copy of a digitized image does not give you any rights to use it as you wish. Only the copyright owner, or the owner's legal agent, can give you permission to copy, distribute, or publicly display the image.