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Nic - 076 * Hotel el Convento
Nic - 077 * Hotel el Convento
Nic - 078 * Hotel el Convento
Nic - 079 * Hotel el Convento
Nic - 080 * Typical utilities congestion
  Nic - 076  
  Nic - 077  
  Nic - 078  
  Nic - 079  
  Nic - 080  
Nic - 081 * Departing from Corinto
Nic - 082 * San Juan del Sur
Nic - 083 * San Juan del Sur
Nic - 084 * Rivas (Chico's home town)
Nic - 085 * Rivas
  Nic - 081  
  Nic - 082  
  Nic - 083  
  Nic - 084  
  Nic - 085  
Nic - 086 * Rivas
Nic - 087 * Doors (and a window) of Nicaragua
Nic - 088 * A tour of Rivas from Pepanos (bicycle-based taxis)
Nic - 089 * Rivas
Nic - 090 * a Door of Nicaragua
  Nic - 086  
  Nic - 087  
  Nic - 088  
  Nic - 089  
  Nic - 090  
Copyright © 2004 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video)

The copyright of the images presented here are owned by David R. Beebe & Patricia E. Beebe. It is illegal to reproduce them without the permission of the copyright owner. As with any image, your possession of a copy of a digitized image does not give you any rights to use it as you wish. Only the copyright owner, or the owner's legal agent, can give you permission to copy, distribute, or publicly display the image.