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Nic - 091 * a Door of Nicaragua
Nic - 092 * a Door of Nicaragua
Nic - 093 * a Door of Nicaragua
Nic - 094 * a Door of Nicaragua
Nic - 095 * A man pauses in Granada to watch our bus try and make its way under overhanging tree limbs and around parked cars
  Nic - 091  
  Nic - 092  
  Nic - 093  
  Nic - 094  
  Nic - 095  
Nic - 096 * A Granada doorway
Nic - 097 * A church next to the Hotel el Convento
Nic - 098
Nic - 099
Nic - 100
  Nic - 096  
  Nic - 097  
  Nic - 098  
  Nic - 099  
  Nic - 100  
Nic - 101
Nic - 102 * Museo Antiguo Convento de San Francisco displayed this doorway within the museum where few photographs were allowed
Nic - 103 * Pacific Parakeets watch us tour the open air museum
Nic - 104 * The museum?s main attractions are the large religious sculptures from the island of Zapatera in Lake Nicaragua. They are believed to date from AD 800-1200 and are therefore usually attributed to the Chorotega culture (from nicaraguafacil.com)
Nic - 105 * The museum?s main attractions are the large religious sculptures from the island of Zapatera in Lake Nicaragua. They are believed to date from AD 800-1200 and are therefore usually attributed to the Chorotega culture (from nicaraguafacil.com)
  Nic - 101  
  Nic - 102  
  Nic - 103  
  Nic - 104  
  Nic - 105  
Copyright © 2004 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video)

The copyright of the images presented here are owned by David R. Beebe & Patricia E. Beebe. It is illegal to reproduce them without the permission of the copyright owner. As with any image, your possession of a copy of a digitized image does not give you any rights to use it as you wish. Only the copyright owner, or the owner's legal agent, can give you permission to copy, distribute, or publicly display the image.